Naavi's Cyber Law College
Corporate Career

"Indian Law Graduates Need to Look for Corporate Careers"

When a student  completes Plus 2, he is presented with the tough choice of choosing his next line of education which could determine his career.  Engineering or Medical courses are well known. Commerce is perhaps the next option. Those who miss these opportunities need to think of other alternatives.

"Law" as a profession is normally chosen by those who are in the lawyer's families. Apart from the few who are committed to the legal profession because they are born into legal professional's families, other students do not have sufficient exposure to the prospects of the profession and hence often ignore the opportunities.

One of the reasons why young and bright students donot consider "legal Profession" as an option is that they consider "Practice in a Court of Law" as the only career option after they become lawyers. This option is attractive for those who are born into legal professional families with established business. For others, setting up a practice is a challenge often considered too tough to try.

With the BPO boom, we now see that BSc and BA graduates with good communication skills being able to get good BPO jobs immediately after their college and look for a career in the corporate world.

It has now become necessary for law students also to start thinking that they have a career in the Corporate world as "Legal Advisors" or "Compliance Officers".

Additionally, we find that there is a great demand developing for Legal BPO professionals but we are unable to find suitable candidates who can fulfill the requirements.

Considering the emerging need for "Corporate Career for Law Students", Cyber Law College is setting up a "Corporate Career Counselling Center For Law Students".

The center will try to develop Corporate Employment Opportunities for Law Students by bringing together the Companies who look for "Legal Compliance Officers" as well as "Legal BPO Professionals" with the students having the desired skill sets. The students will also be provided necessary soft skills training to make them employable in the industry.

The Center would welcome Companies and Students to register their requirements.



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